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Web site imagery © Paul Leathers 2004–2019, except as noted


About this image:

Created in 2003, this piece, entitled Cabinet, mysterious contents of, 304, features a 'shelf of wonder', or wunderschrank, that is hung slightly above head-height and accessed from the gallery floor by an aluminum ladder. An ultrabright LED is incorporated into the piece and provides an eerie glow.

Early Medieval treasuries and alchemists' studies often contained precious materials sourced from the natural world (Naturalia), or artifacts created to imitate such objects (Artefacta).

In the case of this artwork, reference is made to the magnifying globes used by medieval goldsmiths, alchemist's multiplying lenses, anamorphic and more contemporary stereoscopic ViewMaster images.

As with any pursuit, experience doesn't come easy and the effort to climb the ladder is rewarded with a personalised viewpoint.