resources at


website resources

Portfolios of images

Place your cursor over the following names to see more (.jpeg) examples of Trudy's or Paul's work.

Current CVs

Place your cursor over the following names to see Trudy's or Paul's current CV (.pdf).

Brief Biographies

Place your cursor over the following names to see Trudy's or Paul's short biography.

Artist Statements

Place your cursor over the following names to see Trudy's or Paul's artist statement.

Listing of lectures and workshops offered

Place your cursor over the following names to see a listing of slide lectures and hands-on workshops offered by Trudy or Paul.

Gallery representation

Many of the pieces illustrated on this website are for sale. For availability and pricing, please contact us directly using the contact information to the left, or through one of the galleries listed below that handles our work.

home | who we are | portfolios | resources | contact

website imagery: © paul leathers 2004–2021, except as noted



Lectures and Workshops

As the CVs at left show, Trudy and Paul have many years of experience presenting lectures and hands-on workshops relating to both technical and theoretical aspects of their respective media.

Rates are negotiable, but generally follow the standards for presentation related artists' fees as set out by CAR/FAC (CARCC).

Technical Snippet

One of the techniques that Paul demonstrates when introducing students to direct method casting is cuttlebone casting. Often seen strapped to the sides of bird cages, cuttlebones have been used for metal casting for hundreds—if not thousands—of years. Why not check out the link and give it a try yourself! Please excercise caution when working with molten metal and proceed at your own risk.