
Paul Leathers: Lectures and workshops offered*
Paul Wm. Leathers RCA: A Personal Survey
Surveying a thirty-year studio practice designing and creating contemporary jewellery, this lecture touches on training and education, professional experiences, inspirations, and current explorations (lasts approximately one hour).
Strange Attractors
Developed in support of the solo exhibition, Strange Attractors, this lecture explores the human fascination with, and impetus for, attraction, collection, interpretation, and display (lasts approximately one hour).
Recent Artist's Residencies in Jingdezhen, China
Currently looking forward to his twelfth trip to Jingdezhen, China, this lecture explores the Western fascination with Chinese ceramics and culture, and the artist's own creative growth through multiple residencies in the historic home of porcelain (lasts approximately one hour).
Standing Astride Two Horses: Bi-directional Fabrication for Contemporary Jewellers & Metalsmiths
First delivered at the international medallic conference, FIDEM Canada 2018, this lecture explores novel approaches to integrating traditional methods of making with the emergent digital technologies (lasts approximately one hour).
The Hand Also Dreams
First delivered at the international ceramics conference, The Consequence of Material, this lecture explores a philosophical approach to the reasons why, as we enter the twenty-first century, the development and maintenance of craft skills are critical (lasts approximately one hour).
Between Mind and Material: Meditations on Making
Written for the international jewellery conference, On Location:, this lecture takes a multidisciplinary approach to an exploration of the importance of tactile discovery, the evolution of dexterity, the knowledge and mastery at the heart of making, and the influence exerted by the growing use of technology on current Craft processes and relationships (lasts approximately one hour).
This Thin and Vital Line: Contemporary Canadian Jewellery & Metalsmithing
Presented in Australia, Malta, England and China, this lecture surveys the work of a cross section of contemporary Canadian practitioners and includes a discussion of the influence that geography and regional history has played for metalsmiths in 'a land divided' (lasts approximately one hour).
Gem Appreciation: Treasures from a Hidden Kingdom
This lecture surveys a number of the gem materials used in both historical and contemporary jewellery. Rock and mineral formation, mining and recovery, gemstone fashioning and professional resources will also be touched on (lasts approximately one hour, or may be presented as a two-day hands-on workshop).
Metalworking Techniques of the Ancient World
This lecture uses visuals, handouts, models, and actual demonstrations of the processes to introduce a number of the metalworking techniques (direct method casting, lost wax casting, depletion gilding, granulation, die-forming, and enamelling) used by the metalsmiths of the Classical era (designed specifically for college and university Classics Departments. One to three hours).
 Direct Method Casting
Designed for beginner and intermediate metalsmiths alike, this comprehensive workshop will provide an introduction to the principles and processes of Direct Method Casting. Participants will develop basic skills and be able to transform their designs into small-scale sculptural objects or wearable metal jewellery. With slide and video presentations supporting the process, participants will learn how to safely cast objects in pewter or Sterling silver using Cuttlebone, castable refractory, silicone rubber, sand casting (Delft Casting), and thin-shell refractory moulds. A half-day demonstration workshop, or one-and-a-half-day to five-day hands-on workshop.
"... I enjoyed the workshop and was impressed with Paul's instruction and his attention to safety. I would highly recommend this class to anyone." Laurie Graham, President, SAA.
 Digital Photo-documentation for Studio Artists
This workshop will introduce the principles and processes of photo-documentation. Participants will learn how to record their 2D artworks and/or 3D objects. Topics to be covered will include: digital point-and-shoot or SLR camera selection, lighting the object, and backdrops. Emphasis will be placed on keeping the process simple and inexpensiveotherwise, it's not likely to get done! A half-day demonstration workshop, or two-day, hands-on workshop.
(click to view the course outline)
 Small-scale Bronze Casting
image credit: brian menegozzo
With roots stretching back into prehistoric times, bronze casting is often selected as the technique of choice for the creation of permanent functional and sculptural objects. Oriented towards the beginner and experienced metalsmith alike, this hands-on workshop will explore foundry processes that have been adapted for use in the home-based studio. This will be of special interest to medallic artists and those individuals, such as ceramic artists or furniture makers, who might wish to incorporate metal objects into their projects.
Topics covered will include mould-making with plaster, alginate and silicone rubber; wax model development; refractory shell bronze casting; surface finishing; colouring and patination. Basic metallurgy and alloy formulation as it applies to small-scale foundry practice will also be introduced. Slide presentations, videos, demonstrations and handouts will support the learning process and participants should be able to finish a number of small-scale cast objects during the workshop. A five-day, hands-on workshop.
(click to view images from recent workshops)
 Creating Medallic Artworks
Capitalising on the materials and methods introduced in Small-scale Bronze Casting, this workshop focuses on the development and creation of small-scale, hand-held artworks.Oriented towards the beginner and experienced metalsmith alike, this hands-on workshop will explore foundry processes that have been adapted for use in the home-based studio. A historical survey of medallic artworks from the Renaissance to comtemporary practicioners will be included
Topics covered will include mould-making with plaster, alginate and silicone rubber; wax model development; sand casting (Delft Casting); refractory shell bronze casting; surface finishing; colouring and patination. Basic metallurgy and alloy formulation as it applies to small-scale foundry practice will also be introduced. Slide presentations, videos, demonstrations and handouts will support the learning process and participants should be able to finish a number of small-scale medallic artworks during the workshop. A five-day, hands-on workshop.
 Champlevé Enamelling using Photo-etched Matrices
This introductory course is designed for first time participants wishing to try their hand at creating Champlevé enamelled jewellery employing photoetched copper. Anything that can be photocopied can be etched and enamelled. A range of basic enamelling skills will be introduced as well as forming and fabrication techniques, metal texturing, and silver electroplating. Demonstrations, slide presentations, videos and handouts will assist the learning process. Using the minimum of hand tools students will have the chance to try out a range of techniques as well as complete a number of pieces. A two-day to five-day, hands-on workshop.
* NB: We require a non-refundable $100.00 booking fee on all lectures and workshops, and a lecture and/or workshop will not be considered to be booked until this advance has been received. On successful completion of the project, the $100.00 deposit will be subtracted from the total fee. Re-booking a workshop will incur a further non-refundable $100.00 fee.

website imagery: © paul leathers 2004–2021, except as noted
Lectures and Workshops

The selection at left is a partial listing of the lectures and workshops offered. Current rates follow the 2024 CARFAC Artists' Professional Fees schedule and are priced as follows,
Lectures: $500+expenses
Workshops: $700/day+expenses
Please contact us to discuss how we may address your educational needs.
